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Category ‘JavaScript’ Archive

What is MooTools?

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

Mootools is a lightweight abstraction layer between the browser and the code you write and this is really the definition of nearly every js framework out there - Protoype, Dojo, jQuery, Y!UI, etc. It offers more functionality and richer tools for writing javascript, taking what has historically been painful and fraught with buggy [...]

jQuery documentation and resources

Monday, January 15th, 2007

One of the first things you might want to know when try out a new programming language, library or framework is where you can find documentation and support.
The excellent documentation is one of the things that first might attract you to jQuery, and with the release of 1.0 (they’re now at 1.2.6) the API is [...]

What is jQuery

Sunday, December 10th, 2006

jQuery is an amazing JavaScript library that makes it easy to create wonderful web effects in just a few lines of code. As the website says:”
“jQuery is a JavaScript library that takes this motto to heart: Writing JavaScript code should be fun. jQuery achieves this goal by taking common, repetitive, tasks, stripping out all the [...]

AJAX and JSON Part 2

Monday, June 12th, 2006

Is JSON Fast and Reliable?
JSON produces slightly smaller documents, and JSON is certainly easier to use in JavaScript. XMLHttpRequest parses XML documents for you whereas you have to manually parse JSON, but is parsing JSON slower than parsing XML? I tested the XML parser built into XMLHttpRequest against JSON on these address cards and put [...]

AJAX and JSON Part 1

Sunday, June 11th, 2006

When Microsoft added the ActiveX XMLHTTP object to Internet Explorer’s implementation of JavaScript, the company planted the seed for the revolution in Web applications known as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, or AJAX. Today, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and other browsers all support what is now known as XMLHttpRequest, making possible sites such as,, and [...]

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