Geany integrated development environment
Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. Another goal was to be as independent as possible from a special Desktop Environment like KDE or GNOME. So it is using only the GTK2 toolkit and therefore you need only the GTK2 runtime libraries to run Geany.
Geany is known to run under Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, MacOS X, AIX v5.3, Solaris Express and Windows. More generally, it should run on every platform, which is supported by the GTK libraries.
Screenshots of Geany:
Basic features of Geany:
- code folding - code folding allow to hide big chunks of code a leave only what you are working on right now.
- auto completion of XML and HTML tags.
- saving the session - Geany can load files from the last session. Unfortunately, it doesn’t remember where the cursor was within the file or which parts of code were folded.
- Sidebar - It lists all important code elements (functions, classes, variables, etc.) sorted in alphabetical order and lets you quickly jump to them. Also, you can right-click on a function name where it’s used and quickly jump to a line when this function is declared (if it’s declared in some file that’s been opened, off course).
- all standard features anybody would expect - syntax highlighting, code completion, tabs, auto indentation (either tabs or spaces), (un)commenting and decreasing/increasing indentation of multiple lines.
- many supported filetypes like C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, PERL, Pascal, etc. - 26 supported filetypes in total.
- build system – you can compile, build, make all, make custom target, make object and execute.
- multiple tiny bells and whistles, such as a color picker or the ability to insert predefined comments (for example description of a function).
Download Geany
Geany’s documentation
Tags: code, edit, editor, environment, geany, IDE
Posted in Text Editors. 1,824 views
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